In the ‘System Tray’ (bottom right of the screen), you will see a few new icons. These are all ‘ok’ – you don’t have to do anything with them, but you also don’t have to worry that they are some kind of malware!
The ‘Life Ring‘ has quick links to DCI support and nifty tools. Click on it to get a menu:
The top shows your computer name, logon name, and contact information for support.
‘Email Support’ lets you report issues to us, and automatically opens a ticket in our tracking system.
‘Abort Reboot’ lets you stop a scheduled reboot if it happens while you are working.
‘Speed Test’ lets you quickly test your internet speed.
The ‘Shield‘ is our Managed Antivirus. This program proactively blocks viruses and malware locally on your PC or flash drives. You don’t have to worry about updates or quarantines – we take care of it for you.
‘Sentinel One‘ is our Advanced Endpoint Protection software. This is the ‘next generation’ of antivirus software that focuses on monitoring and investigating any suspicious activity on the computer. It includes technology that will allow us to ‘roll back’ certain events, should they manage to get active on the computers.
‘Umbrella‘ is our Network Malware Blocking tool. This program proactively blocks malware BEFORE you connect to a site on the internet. If this happens, you will get redirected to a special ‘block page’.
You can test it by visiting (just a test site, it’s ok).
‘Take Control‘ is a program we use to connect to your PC to provide support. If you give us permission, we can remotely connect and assist you real time with issues. You don’t have to do anything.
‘OneDrive‘ is a Microsoft application that synchronizes the files on your 'network' drive to other users.
Start Menu
The Advanced Monitoring Agent in your Start menu is the program we use to monitor your PC, apply patches and do other maintenance. You can just ignore this one!
The Backup Manager lets you review the status of backups (we monitor this, so you don’t have to unless you are just curious). You can use the ‘Restore’ Tab to restore data files (or call us for help).
Thanks again for trusting us with your PC. If you have any questions, call or write (just click the LifeRing!).